In January 2015, I dove deeper than ever before into the world of spirituality and kept on going deeper through the processes of spiritual awakenings.
As we know it, it is not just one single boom but multiple booms that never end. Just like counting galaxies in the multiverse, it doesn't end, creating one massive beautiful journey filled with adventures and discoveries.
I have developed a daily spiritual routine, which enabled me to grow and evolve spiritually.
Since the early days of my journey, I have been helping others overcome those same difficulties that held them and me back from living fully, freely, and purposefully in our unique LIGHT.
My journey was an example of overcoming depression, anxiety, trauma, and destructive behaviours and patterns by doing specific spiritual and energy work.
That inner joy, open heart filled with love & gratitude, and that safe feeling of wholeness is what we want and deserve so much. I could not get peace of mind without it, therefore as soon I BE-came it, I fell in love with helping others to BE that too.
As I have expanded my abilities, skills, powers, and Higher realms connections, this resulted in raising drastically my frequency and vibration to a very high level. You can see it and feel it in my pictures, videos and posts. You cannot deny it. That's why you are reading this!
I learned how to bring in/generate a high frequency energies of pure Light Consciousness to create safe, calm, deeply loving and joyful environment into all of my healing/mentoring sessions.
By continuously expanding my awareness and abilities, I have learned all about energy, how it works and how to heal permanently and returning back into Light, Wholeness, and Love.
We every conscious breath we get to choose who we are BE-ing. Choose love, choose compassion, choose joy. And start with creating those for YOURSELF. You truly are DEEPLY WORTHY and our LOVE can move mountains.
Within last few months I manifested the life of my dreams:
* I quit my 9-5
* traveling the world
* I met the Love of my Life
* I have the best job/passion work ever
* I am FREE
* I am safe with me
* I feel truly deeply worthy of THE BEST
* I am in Love (with me, life and every day)
* I have amazing tribe of doers around me
* my relationships are healthy, loving, honest and so much fun
* I help thousands of people each month by shining my LIGHT
It is YOUR turn beautiful soul!!! Choose loving yourself today!!!