ENERGY - a popular word and extremely phenomenal as energy is everything.
We and everything around us, are over 99.999999% space, but not exactly. That beautiful space is not empty at all. It is filled with information, which is light, which is energy. And if you would like you can call this Quantum Field.
Similar truth applies to matter, which is less then 0.0000001% matter, but again, not solid matter, more like a music tone and vibration to it.
Please take moment to let that sink in.
What is the most stunning to me is that our particles are popping in and out of the space so fast that we appear to be still!!!
Yes, we are our own creation of our vibrational music tone, which is shaped by our thoughts, feeling and emotions. And that is all governed by specific laws of energy and its magnificent harmonious order. That's why after big boom or big bang or big split (whichever version you prefer), all didn't went into disorder, but perfect phenomenal order of galaxies, planetary systems, and so on.
Therefore, energy work is EVERYTHING if you desire to shape-shift your reality.
For example, if you no longer wish to identify with the version of you that is ill, poor, lacking love and time, you can use energy work to shift your reality (yourself exactly) in a much faster way then via matter to matter old way of changing our lives.
After spending countless hours in the Quantum field in meditations (where all information/light/knowledge is stored), what I learned about energy is very profound:
1. Energy has been design to flow, not be stuck or restricted.
2. As we have not been shown how to process emotions, be present in our bodies, in our hearts, with the breath and as we are experiencing duality and resistance, energy gets stuck and stops to flow harmoniously creating all kinds of illnesses.
3. To heal, stuck energy (energy blocks) have to be moved upwards and transmuted into light-er energy.
4. Everything is possible!
5. If you can imagine it, it is your Divine purpose to create it/ manifest it.
6. It is your inherent right to be fully healed and restored to Divine Order.
7. Energy wants to be shaped and shifted.